Thursday, December 31, 2009

So, This is the New Year

A divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.

Only a few hours remain before we make way for the new year. Instead of looking back I find myself hurtling forward, enlivened by the possibilities that lie ahead. I'm turning 30 in 2010 and I'm actually pretty excited. I'm using my 3rd decade in this world as a launching pad for the things that will most likely shape the rest of my life. Waiting for that divine influence to tap me on the shoulder has become banal. Sometimes, you have to seek out inspiration to create something thoughtful and beautiful.

This Pinhole Camera Project is one of my many steps towards a more productive existence. I plan on taking one photo per day with this nifty little gadget. It's going to take a lot of discipline and commitment, which frankly, I've been lacking. I foresee the first roll of film being a bit rough since I've never used one of these things, but even if I end up with a black blob it's the creative process that matters most. And hopefully with a bit of practice and experimentation, I can put together a set of images that reveal the beauty in the mundane. My goal is to capture a moment, no matter how commonplace, and transform it into something provocative and worthy of a closer look.

Here goes...

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